MBA Education Multifamily Property Inspection Workshop July 13-14

MBA Education presents its popular Multifamily Property Inspection Workshop in Washington, D.C. July 13-14. MBA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have adopted inspector qualifications “best practices” that require adequate training …

MBA Education Advanced Servicing Workshop Aug. 3-4

MBA Education presents its popular Advanced Servicing Workshop on Wednesday, Aug. 3 and Thursday, Aug. 4 at MBA headquarters in Washington, D.C. The Advanced Servicing Workshop is new and improved. …

Upcoming MBA Education Introduction to Mortgage Banking Courses

MBA Education, the education arm of the Mortgage Bankers Association, presents Introduction to Mortgage Banking, an overview of the residential real estate finance industry as a career development tool for college students and those interested in changing careers, and as a training tool for interns and new hires. 

Captains Mark, Scott Kelly Keynote MBA 103rd Annual Convention & Expo

At the MBA 103rd Annual Convention & Expo, Captains Mark and Scott Kelly, the only siblings who have served as astronauts and engaged in space travel, will candidly reflect on the experiences and lessons that shaped their views on teamwork, leadership, risk taking, facing adversity and their personal strategies for adapting to change.