MBA Mergers & Acquisitions Workshop Feb. 22-23
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s Mergers & Acquisitions Workshop takes place Feb. 22-23 at the Intercontinental Dallas.
Make informed decisions on buying, selling or growing your business.
If you are looking to buy, sell or grow your business, or you’re simply exploring your options then MBA’s Mergers & Acquisitions Workshop is right for you. This workshop will equip you with the knowledge you need to make strategic informed decisions considering today’s business and regulatory environment.
New this Year
–Panel discussion on M&A alternatives for mortgage industry vendors, particularly technology companies.
–Networking reception.
–Expanded workshop to two days for plenty of time for one-on-one discussions and networking with those who can help you.
Other Workshop Topics
–Panel with the Sellers: he Decision-Making Process for Selling and Life After the Deal
–Panel with the Buyers: What are the Most Desired Seller Attributes?
–Inside the Transaction: Pricing the Deal and Structuring Options
–Due Diligence Process and Impact on Value
–Operational, Financial, Legal and Regulatory Risks
–Integrating Mortgage Operations following an M&A Deal
Make plans to join top advisors and practitioners who have “been there, done that.” Buyers, sellers, investors and other stakeholders will not want to miss this popular annual event.
To register, click https://www.mba.org/store/events/conferences-and-meetings/mbas-mergers-and-acquisitions-workshop?utm_source=Informz&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=mba.org&_zs=XHWNA1&_zl=N3JM3.
For more information, click https://www.mba.org/store/events/conferences-and-meetings/mbas-mergers-and-acquisitions-workshop.