MBA CMF Newslink 10-18-18

“The passing of the Tax Reform and Jobs Act in December that doubled the standard deduction and cut the deductibility of state and local taxes reduced the incentive to buy a home. This has helped the apartment market, especially in high-taxed localities.”–Barbara Byrne Denham, Senior Economist with Reis, New York.

MBA CMF Newslink 10-11-18

“Although exact effects of the new trade deal remain to be seen, it appears that the [United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement] will generally support property market demand.”–From a CBRE special report, Revised NAFTA Should Benefit U.S. Real Estate.

MBA CMF Newslink 10-4-18

“We are quite bullish on multifamily for a number of different reasons.”–Walker & Dunlop Chairman and CEO Willy Walker in a MBANow CREF COrner Office video conversation (article in left column).

MBA CMF Newslink 9-27-18

“The balance of mortgage debt on commercial and multifamily properties grew faster during the first half of 2018 than during any other first half since 2007.”–MBA Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Research Jamie Woodwell.

MBA CMF Newslink 9-20-18

“Seniors housing acquisitions momentum will continue in the second half of 2018 and will likely increase, especially if the sentiment reflected in the survey materializes. Despite the increased capital market and operational headwinds, investor interest remains robust and a lack of available product to buy should keep pricing strong.–CBRE Head of Multifamily Research Jeanette Rice

MBA CMF Newslink 9-13-18

“Property appreciation for most types of real estate, particularly the big sectors investors are focused on, has been pretty anemic over the past couple of years. But there are quite a few outliers to that trend.”–Peter Rothemund, Senior Analyst with Green Street Advisors, Newport Beach, Calif.

MBA CMF Newslink 9-6-18

“It is hard to overstate how low commercial and multifamily mortgage delinquency rates are today.”–MBA Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Research Jamie Woodwell.

MBA CMF Newslink 8-30-18

“The multifamily space is the land of opportunity right now, and we don’t see that waning any time soon. While we may not have seen as many big blockbuster deals during the first half of the year as in years past, production remains steady on both the investment sales and lending sides of the coin and industry-wide, we expect that activity to remain strong.”–Berkadia Executive Vice President and Head of Production Ernie Katai.

MBA CMF Newslink 8-23-18

“There’s nothing wrong with the debt markets and there’s nothing wrong with the state of the capital markets. However, at today’s valuations with continued low cap rates and interest rates, we’re getting lulled.”–Shekar Narasimhan, CMB, in an MBANow CREF Corner Office video conversation.

MBA CMF Newslink 8-16-18

“The last months of 2017 exceeded expectations for the multifamily market, and that trend continued into the first half of 2018. There will be certain submarkets that will see moderation, but overall the multifamily market continues to benefit from a solid macroeconomy and continued strong demand. Simply put, we do not see any looming threats to the multifamily market in the near future.”–Freddie Mac Multifamily Research and Modeling Vice President Steve Guggenmos.