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The City That Never Deletes: How New York City Became a Real Estate Data Mecca
Commercial Observer, July 22, 2019--Nicholas RizziData, the fuel on which so much of the technology and appraisal of real estate runs, is up-to-date and in abundant supply in New York City, but still living in the dark ages in the rest of the country.
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California Is Divided Over Development Amid Severe Housing Shortage
NPR, July 18, 2019--Darius RafieyanCalifornia's governor wants cities in his state to build more housing, but some of them don't appear to be moving fast enough. The state has taken Huntington Beach to court.
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Fed’s Beige Book Shows ‘Widespread Concerns’ on Tariffs–But Positive Economic Outlook
MarketWatch, July 17, 2019--Greg RobbBusiness contacts were generally positive through early July about the economic outlook for the coming months despite "widespread concerns about the possible negative impact of trade-related uncertainty," according to the "Beige Book" survey released by the Federal Reserve on Wednesday.
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