Tools for a Construction Lender’s Toolbox in the COVID-19 Era

The coronavirus pandemic has shut down non-essential construction projects in numerous states and has severely delayed or otherwise impacted construction in almost every other state. These delays and impacts may deal a fatal blow to some project owners.

Commercial Real Estate Valuation in the COVID-19 Era, May 1, 2020–Remy Rein, Prashant Das The COVID-19 Crisis is being benchmarked with the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-08. In this article, we explore implications of the crisis on …

The Iconic Brands That Could Disappear Because of Coronavirus

Washington Post, April 29, 2020–Daniela Santamariña, Abha Bhattarai, Kevin Uhrmacher The retail industry, rife with bankruptcies and shuttered stores long before the coronavirus, is facing its biggest test yet.

CREF Highlights

Commercial and multifamily developments and activities from MBA relevant to your business and our industry.

MBA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources

The Mortgage Bankers Association has developed this resource page to assist our member companies as they plan and prepare for the novel coronavirus disease.