MBA CREF Market Intelligence Symposium June 15-16
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s annual CREF Market Intelligence Symposium takes place June 15-16.

MBA’s CREF Market Intelligence Symposium cuts through the talking-head clutter to provide hard facts about the state of commercial real estate markets – and what we do and don’t know. The nation’s leading CRE analysts present data-driven insights about where markets are, and where they are likely to go from here. Experts will go beyond opinions to present the latest data and leading models to help attendees understand where we are in the real estate cycle, what the drivers are of demand for and supply of debt, what drives loan performance, how investors gauge success in their commercial real estate debt portfolios, hot topics like climate, ESG and affordability and more. MBA’s CREF Market Intelligence Symposium is designed to be the event you will be talking about all year.
For more information and to register, click here.