MISMO Calls for Participants to Develop a Roadmap for a Commercial eNote Standard

Tara Dunion tdunion@mba.org
MISMO®, the real estate finance industry standards organization, issued a call for participants for a new Development Workgroup focused on exploring industry interest and demand for creating a standard for Commercial electronic promissory notes (eNotes).
In the initial stages of this scope of work, MISMO is conducting research and engaging in discussions with a variety of industry participants.
The DWG will focus on the following deliverables:
• Document areas of friction and requirements for a Commercial eNote;
• Determine if there is sufficient interest and support from the commercial real estate finance industry;
• Create a roadmap outlining the viability of a Commercial eNote, the phased target delivery of each requirement and implementation materials targeted for completion within each phase.
The Commercial eNotes Workgroup will conduct regular meetings via conference call. Upon completion of the roadmap, subsequent phases may be set up to continue progress of developing a Commercial eNote.
Interested Participants are invited to join the DWG and attend the April Kickoff Meeting at 3:00 p.m. ET on April 21.
If you are interested in participating with this group and are already a MISMO member you may join the collaboration site that has been established on “MISMO Connect.” If you are not a member of MISMO, let us know that you would like to participate by sending an email to info@mismo.org.
MISMO’s work to solve key business challenges is made possible due to lender support of the MISMO Innovation Investment Fee. For information on MISMO and how to join, click here.