Today: MBA CREF Market Intelligence: Research on CRE Loan Performance and Capital Sources

As part of MBA’s CREF Market Intelligence series, this webinar features recent research on how the pandemic has affected CRE mortgage markets and how different capital sources have shifted their roles in response to market changes during previous periods.

Featuring researchers from MBA, the Federal Reserve and the University of Pennsylvania, this webinar goes “beyond talking heads” to presents data, analysis and insights to help you navigate today’s markets.


Thursday, Oct. 1, 1:00-2:00 PM ET


Learn about the latest data on CRE loan performance and production

Hear from researchers digging into different capital sources and how they’ve responded to pervious market changes

Discover the ways the COVID pandemic is (and isn’t) changing the CRE debt markets

Who Should Attend?

Commercial Real Estate Finance Professionals


First-year Analysts




Jamie Woodwell, Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Research, Mortgage Bankers Association

Joe Nichols, Principal Economist, Federal Reserve Board

Click here for more information.