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No Mortgage: Single-Family Homes Built to Rent, Not to Buy
NPR, Oct. 7, 2019--Chris ArnoldIn the past year, developers around the country built more than 40,000 homes as single-family rentals.
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The End of Libor: The Biggest Banking Challenge You’ve Never Heard Of
Reuters, Oct. 8, 2019--Sinead Cruise, Lawrence WhiteReplacing Libor is proving expensive and tricky with concerns that, if mishandled, it could trigger credit market confusion and waves of lawsuits, finance industry sources said.
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Why the U.S. Needs a New Vision for Affordable Housing
Knowledge@Wharton, Oct. 7, 2019The Knowledge@Wharton podcast interviewed University of Pennsylvania Professor Vincent Reina about improving housing affordability and fairness for renters and owners.
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