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MBA to Congress: We’re Ready and Open to Working on Tax Reform
HousingWire, Oct. 17, 2017--Brena SwansonAs the debate around what tax reform looks like heightens, the Mortgage Bankers Association is jumping in on the conversation, saying that they support the opportunity for comprehensive tax reform.
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The Ten Zip Codes With the Most Valuable Land in the U.S.
Bloomberg, Oct. 17, 2017--Patrick ClarkBounded by the Pacific Ocean and two of the Los Angeles area's most exclusive country clubs, the 90402 zip code would meet most definitions of prime real estate. In fact, according to a new study, it's the most exclusive address in the U.S.
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How Some Malls Manage to Stay Alive Years After Losing Their Mojo
Wall Street Journal, Oct. 17, 2017--Esther Fung (subscription)The U.S. has far too many malls scrambling to attract consumers at a time when online shopping is tightening its grip. That doesn't mean middling malls will die quickly, however.
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What Sets Seattle’s Apartment Market Apart from the Rest of the Country?
National Real Estate Investor, Oct. 17, 2017--Bendix Anderson Thanks to affordability and strong job growth--including in Seattle's core--few new apartments are sitting vacant and rents continue to rise.
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Global Investors Pour Billions Into Hudson Yards in Major Bull Market Bet
Wall Street Journal, Oct. 17, 2017--Peter Grant (subscription)Much of the capital behind the mixed-use project on Manhattan's far west side is foreign.
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MBA Behind 1031 Exchanges in Tax Reform
RESPA News, Oct. 16, 2017The Mortgage Bankers Association signaled its support for work being done on comprehensive tax reform, writing to key lawmakers that this was a "once in a generation opportunity" to overhaul the tax code.
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Kushners’ Control of Family’s NYC Crown Jewel Is Now in Jeopardy
Bloomberg, Oct. 16, 2017--David Kocieniewski, Caleb MelbyAn ambitious plan by Jared Kushner's family to recast its indebted Fifth Avenue office building as a luxury architectural trophy is collapsing, setting off a chain of events that may imperil the Kushners' ownership of a property central to their real estate empire.
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Commercial Mortgages: Healthy Market is Producing Loans at a Pace Not Seen in Three Years
Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, Oct. 16, 2017--Andrew LittleAfter taking a short breather earlier in the year, commercial real estate markets are growing again. Leading the resurgence is a stable and healthy conduit market producing loans at a pace not witnessed in three years.
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What Is the True Number of Store Closings for 2017?
National Real Estate Investor, Oct. 13, 2017--Donna Mitchell The two schools of thought on retail store closures seem very far apart.
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