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The Cities Where Rents Will Fall This Year
Bloomberg, Jan. 22, 2016--Clark, Patrick After a three-year period of rapid growth, rents are likely to flatten in 2016, according to a new report.
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U.K. Commercial Property Investment Soars to New Record
Wall Street Journal, Jan. 22, 2016--Fletcher, Laurence A record amount of money flowed into U.K. commercial property in 2015. For the year, investment totaled £64.3 billion ($91.1 billion), up 4% on the previous year, according to data from property consultancy Lambert Smith Hampton.
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Hey Hedge Fund Managers, You Should Have Started a Mortgage REIT
Bloomberg, Jan. 21, 2016--Perlberg, Heather Mortgage-REIT executives are uniquely positioned when their firms fall on hard times. Unlike at hedge funds and other firms where managers' pay is tied to performance, most mortgage-REIT executives are compensated based on the size of their publicly traded companies, and receive a percentage of total shareholder equity whether they win or lose.
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Emergence of a New Approach to Financing Commercial Loans
New York Law Journal, Jan. 20, 2016--Reilly Jr., Richard; Steiner, Jeffrey Beginning in 2014, collateralized loan obligation transactions consisting of underlying pools of commercial real estate mortgage loans re-emerged as a financing alternative for sponsors of platforms that originate CRE loans.
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Good Times, Redefined
National Real Estate Investor, Jan. 25, 2016--Mellen, Chris These are good times, redefined, brought into high-definition, so to speak, in three areas directly impacting commercial real estate: the nature of opportunity, the oddity of our economy and the growing threat of terrorism.
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Canadian Real Estate Feels the Love From Foreign Buyers
Reuters, Jan. 25, 2016--Lampert, Allison; Mouallem, Omar Foreign investors are snapping up ski chalets and commercial properties in Canada as a drop in the nation's sagging currency in the past two years means their money buys much more.
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A Forward Look at Retail Construction
National Real Estate Investor, Jan. 21, 2016--Steinberg, Michael; Byrne Denham, Barbara  With some modest improvement in the outlook for wage growth starting to materialize, the outlook for discretionary spending and thus demand for retail space should be brighter in 2016 than at any point in time since before the recession.
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Barclays Predicts Turbulence for Office, Retail REITs in 2016
The Real Deal (New York), Jan. 26, 2016--Mashayekhi, Rey  Barclays has predicted "turbulence ahead" for U.S. real estate investment trusts in 2016, downgrading the likes of Vornado Realty Trust, General Growth Properties and Rouse Properties and citing headwinds like "rising interest rates" and "geopolitical uncertainty."
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