MBA’s Edward Seiler Elected President of the International Union for Housing Finance

Edward Seiler, Mortgage Bankers Association Associate Vice President for Housing, and Economics Executive Director, Research Institute for Housing America, was recently elected President of the International Union for Housing Finance.

Edward Seiler

The IUHF was established in 1914, and serves as a worldwide housing finance network organization that allows its members to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in housing finance worldwide.

The IUHF aims to promote and facilitate the development of housing finance systems in emerging countries and encourage collaboration between the public and private sector, as well as seeking approaches to tackle the global challenge of housing affordability.

It covers 49 countries, including national banking associations, mortgage lending institutions, independent consultants, academics, government agencies and international institutions specialized in housing finance.

Additionally, it publishes an online quarterly journal–Housing Finance International–dating to 1986. It aims to provide unique insights into housing finance and development.

Seiler has been on IUHF’s executive committee since 2019. His new post was effective as of Sept. 19.

“Being part of IUHF, MBA can learn about challenges and successful programs in other countries that can help bring a new angle of thought to U.S. housing finance,” Seiler said. “By taking a leadership role in IUHF, I hope to ensure that the level of research and policy that we are accustomed to at the MBA will be the norm for IUHF. This will hopefully translate into a growing membership and strong Union publications.”