MBA, Lenders Seeks Clarity on Juneteenth Holiday Designation

With unusual speed and rare bipartisan agreement, Congress last week passed, and President Biden signed, legislation designating June 19—colloquially known as “Juneteenth”—a federal holiday, a move welcomed by Americans and supported by the Mortgage Bankers Association and thousands of businesses nationwide. But the speed of the designation—with Friday, June 18 designated a federal holiday—resulted in unintended consequences and disruption for the mortgage lending industry.

MBA, Trade Groups Raise Concerns over TRID Brokered Transactions

The Mortgage Bankers Association, in a letter last week to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, said as the Bureau assesses the effectiveness of its TRID Integrated Disclosure Rule it should reconsider provisions of the rule regarding wholesale creditors and brokered transactions.

CFPB to Assess Integrated Mortgage Disclosure Rule

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said it would conduct and assessment on the TRID Integrated Disclosure Rule under the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.

CFPB to Assess Integrated Mortgage Disclosure Rule

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said it would conduct and assessment on the TRID Integrated Disclosure Rule under the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.