(The New Normal) Jane Mason: With Right Technology, Servicers Proved Remote Teams Can Excel

Mortgage servicing has certainly seen ups and downs over the years, although nothing compares to the level of upheaval that we saw last year—nor the speed at which it occurred. Out of the chaos, however, new opportunities to excel have emerged, and perhaps the biggest one of all has been the ability to run a remote workforce with success.

Fitch: Remote Working to Affect Housing Demand—But Not U.S. RMBS Ratings

Fitch Ratings, New York, said while remote working in the U.S. accelerated as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and is reducing the importance of proximity to offices and causing migration from urban to suburban and exurban areas, it does not expect any material effect on the credit quality of its rated U.S. residential mortgage-backed securities pools.

Fitch: Secular Shifts Force U.S. Commercial Real Estate to Adapt

Fitch Ratings, New York/London, said post-pandemic, many U.S. commercial real estate segments will be transformed by the way space is used, which will have long-term consequences for property performance and financeability.