Lenders have a great deal to learn from their post-closing quality control analyses, even more so given the market disruptions and macroeconomic impact of COVID-19.
Tag: Nick Volpe
Nick Volpe: Managing Effects of Changing Regulations on Mortgage Servicing Operations
As loan servicers continue to battle operational challenges and brace themselves for continuously high volume, there are strategies they should consider to better navigate the changing landscape.
Nick Volpe: Managing Effects of Changing Regulations on Mortgage Servicing Operations
As loan servicers continue to battle operational challenges and brace themselves for continuously high volume, there are strategies they should consider to better navigate the changing landscape.
ACES: Critical Defect Rate Highest Since 2018
ACES Quality Management, Denver, said its quarterly Mortgage QC Trends Report for the second quarter reported the overall critical defect rate of 1.88% is the highest quarterly rate since 2018.
ARMCO: Critical Defect Rate Drops 9%
ACES Risk Management, Denver, said the overall critical defect rate reached 1.56% in the third quarter, to the lowest defect rate since 2016.