During the final months of the Trump Administration, the Federal Housing Finance Agency implemented product caps on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through their Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements—a move that the Mortgage Bankers Association called “disruptive” for many of its members.

#MBASPRING21 HUD Secretary Fudge Talks COVID, Infrastructure, Enforcement
A little more than a month ago, Rep. Maria Fudge, D-Ohio, voted “yes” to approve the American Rescue Plan, a nearly $2 trillion initiative by the Biden Administration to support the economy. Now, as HUD Secretary, it’s her job to put key provisions of the legislation into action.

#MBASpring21: FHFA Director Calabria on Origination Flexibilities, Lessons Learned
A lot has happened in the past two years, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mark Calabria said yesterday at the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Spring Conference & Expo.

#MBASPRING21 Broeksmit: Industry Faces ‘Different Landscape’ in 2021
So, if 2020 was one of the strangest years on record, is 2021 the “hold my beer” year? Mortgage Bankers Association President & CEO says the real estate finance industry is facing a “very different landscape” fraught with potential difficulties.