The House has its wish-list for the next round of relief stemming from the coronavirus pandemic—a $3 trillion package that has no chance of passing into law. The Senate is working on its own version—which also has no chance of passing. To help Congress out, the Mortgage Bankers Association provided House and Senate leadership with its legislative priorities for the next relief package.
Tag: Liquidity Facility

House Democrats Add Pressure on Administration for Mortgage Servicing Liquidity
Twenty-seven House Democrats sent a letter last week to Administration officials urging them to take further steps to allow mortgage borrowers to avoid delinquency and to support mortgage servicers who are working with these borrowers.

Groundswell of Support Builds for Federal Liquidity Facility
Pete Mills, MBA Senior Vice President of Residential Policy and Member Engagement, said the groundswell is sending a strong message to regulators.

Senators Up Pressure on Administration to Provide Liquidity Facility
A bipartisan group of senators joined the Mortgage Bankers Association in raising concerns with the Trump Administration to provide urgent action to avoid a critical strain on liquidity for certain home mortgage servicers.

Ginnie Mae Approves Private Market Servicer Liquidity Facility
Ginnie Mae, Washington, D.C., announced it approved inclusion of a servicing advance financing facility under its Acknowledgment Agreement program.

MBA Takes Issue with Calabria’s Downplay of Need for Servicer Liquidity Facility
The Mortgage Bankers Association called “troubling” comments by Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mark Calabria in which he dismissed the immediate need for a federally backed liquidity facility to assist mortgage servicers with forbearance efforts resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

MBA, Trade Groups Release Statement Urging Regulators to Establish Liquidity Facility
The Mortgage Bankers Association and a broad coalition of organizations representing financial industry and affordable housing advocates on Saturday released a statement calling on government regulators to provide a source of liquidity to those mortgage servicers that may need additional capacity to support homeowners and renters impacted by COVID-19.