Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Kathy Kraninger announced her resignation on Jan. 20, paving the way for President Joe Biden’s nominee, Rohit Chopra, to take over the agency.
Tag: Kathy Kraninger

Biden Nominates Rohit Chopra to Lead CFPB
President-Elect Joe Biden on Monday nominated Rohit Chopra, who worked closely with Elizabeth Warren in creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in the wake of the Great Recession, to serve as the Bureau’s next Director.

CFPB Issues Final Mortgage Rules on General QM, Seasoned QM
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Thursday issued final rules related to qualified mortgage loans. The Mortgage Bankers Association provided preliminary summaries of the final rules.

‘Not Ok? That’s Ok:’ Financial Services, Consumer Coalition Launches Borrower Awareness Campaign
The Mortgage Bankers Association and a broad coalition of financial services stakeholders – including mortgage servicers, trade associations, housing counseling agencies, governmental agencies and think tanks – launched a consumer awareness campaign to reach borrowers who have missed one or more mortgage payments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and may be eligible for forbearance assistance under the CARES Act or other forms of mortgage payment relief.

CFPB Extends GSE Patch ‘Indefinitely;’ Kraninger Stresses Flexibility
In a wide-ranging discussion during the Mortgage Bankers Association’s virtual Annual Convention & Expo, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Direcgor Kathy Kraninger told MBA Chair Susan Stewart that the Bureau would continue to move forward with its agenda of easing regulatory burdens and providing mortgage lenders and servicers with greater flexibilities in working with customers.

MBA Shares Recommendations With CFPB Regarding LIBOR Transition
The Mortgage Bankers Association shared recommendations with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regarding the bureau’s proposed rule to amend Regulation Z to facilitate the transition away from LIBOR.

Federal Agencies Launch Joint Mortgage, Housing Assistance Website on Coronavirus Impact
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Housing Finance Agency and HUD launched a new mortgage and housing assistance website designed to ensure homeowners and renters have current and accurate housing assistance information during the COVID-19 national emergency.

FHFA, CFPB Announce Borrower Protection Program
The Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced the Borrower Protection Program, a joint initiative that enables CFPB and FHFA to share servicing information to protect borrowers during the coronavirus national emergency.

CFPB Implements Advisory Opinion Program, Amends ‘Responsible Business Conduct’ Bulletin
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Friday announced several Mortgage Bankers Association-recommended steps to offer clear guidance to lenders and servicers.

The CFPB Policy Statement on ‘Abusive Acts or Practices:’ What it Means
On Friday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a policy statement providing a “common-sense framework” on how it intends to apply the “abusiveness” standard in supervision and enforcement matters–a clarification long-awaited by Mortgage Bankers Association and the real estate finance community.