The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau yesterday formally delayed the mandatory compliance date of its General Qualified Mortgage final rule to October 1, 2022.
Tag: GSE Patch

CFPB Issues Final Mortgage Rules on General QM, Seasoned QM
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Thursday issued final rules related to qualified mortgage loans. The Mortgage Bankers Association provided preliminary summaries of the final rules.

CFPB Extends GSE Patch ‘Indefinitely;’ Kraninger Stresses Flexibility
In a wide-ranging discussion during the Mortgage Bankers Association’s virtual Annual Convention & Expo, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Direcgor Kathy Kraninger told MBA Chair Susan Stewart that the Bureau would continue to move forward with its agenda of easing regulatory burdens and providing mortgage lenders and servicers with greater flexibilities in working with customers.

MBA Asks CFPB to Extend GSE ‘Patch’ Sunset
The Mortgage Bankers Association, in a comment letter yesterday to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, asked the Bureau to extend the temporary GSE Qualified Mortgage loan definition, also known as the GSE “Patch,” for an additional six months following the effective date for the revised general QM parameters.

CFPB Issues Notices of Rulemaking to Address GSE ‘Patch’
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Monday issued two Notices of Proposed Rulemaking to address the impending expiration of the Government-Sponsored Enterprises Patch, also known as the GSE Patch, which affects nearly one million mortgage loans.

MBA, Trade Groups Ask SEC to Amend Reg AB II Disclosure Requirements
The Mortgage Bankers Association and other industry trade groups sent a letter last week to the Securities and Exchange Commission, asking it to consider amendments to Reg AB II disclosure requirements that will help to restore the registered segment of the private-label securities market.

MBA, Trade Groups Ask Agencies to Delay Credit Risk Retention Rule
The Mortgage Bankers Association and three dozen other industry groups sent a letter Friday to federal agencies, asking them to delay a review of the federal Credit Risk Retention final rule until the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finalizes its Qualified Mortgage definition.

Breaking MBA Advocacy Update: CFPB Letter Signals Changes to QM Rule
On Friday, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Kathy Kraninger sent a letter to Congress outlining the Bureau’s plan for a revised Qualified Mortgage Standard.

CoreLogic: With QM GSE ‘Patch’ Set to Expire, Impact Warrants Closer Investigation
In two blog posts last week, CoreLogic, Irvine, Calif., examined the relationship between loan pricing and loan performance in context of the coming expiration of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Qualified Mortgage “GSE Patch.” The blogs noted little distinction in loan delinquencies in certain rate spread categories, but noted closer investigation is warranted.