MBA Chart of the Week: Taxonomy of Mortgage Default

Recently, the Research Institute for Housing America (RIHA), MBA’s think tank, released a special report, Mortgage Design, Underwriting, and Interventions: Promoting Sustainable Homeownership, that looks at the lessons learned from the Great Financial Crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic, and other past episodes of default, to understand how to design a more robust mortgage system that proactively supports sustainable homeownership.

MBA Chart of the Week: Climate, Sustainability and Real Estate Finance

With Earth Day happening this month, it seems an opportune time to discuss the intersection of climate/sustainability issues and real estate finance. MBA has been leading on these issues for more than half a decade, helping members through our work related to research, policy and practice.

MBA Chart of the Week Aug. 8, 2022: Mortgage Payment to Rent Ratio

This MBA Chart of the Week examines the relationship between mortgage payments and asking rents since the second half of 2009. MBA’s national mortgage payment to rent ratio compares the national median and 25th percentile mortgage payments to the national median asking rent.