MISMO Fall Summit: Building Confidence and Efficiency into Non-Agency Data Exchanges

CRYSTAL CITY, VA.–An efficient private-label securities market requires that investors have confidence in their understanding of asset quality for their deals. But questions remain, according to panelists here at the MISMO Fall Summit–and ongoing work under the auspices of MISMO is poised to help provide much-needed data standardization.

MBA Advocacy Spurs Crackdown on Deceptive VA Loan Marketing

The settlements signal a remarkable effort by the CFPB to hold lenders accountable for their dealings with the nation’s veterans—and the culmination of advocacy by the Mortgage Bankers Association to protect earned benefits for servicemembers, veterans and surviving spouses.

SEC to Examine Disclosure Requirements for RMBS

Securities and Exchange Commission Jay Clayton last week issued a statement instructing SEC staff to review the Commission’s residential mortgage-backed securities asset-level disclosure requirements with an eye toward facilitating more SEC-registered offerings.