Report Cites Pandemic’s Impact on Population Shift

Data on 2022 county-level population changes continue to suggest that the coronavirus pandemic had profound and lasting impacts on economic geography—with two million people leaving U.S. cities—according to a report by the Economic Innovation Group, Washington, D.C.

RMQA21: Pandemic Saw Changes in Consumer Behavior—Most of it Good

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The economy continued to improve in 2021, fueled by record consumer savings and strong gains in employment, despite the coronavirus pandemic that could have otherwise ground it to a halt, said Emre Sahingur, Senior Vice President of Predictive Analytics with VantageScore Solutions LLC, Stamford, Conn.

FHA Adds COVID-19 Forbearance Relief Options

The Federal Housing Administration on Sept. 27 announced new and extended COVID-19 relief options for borrowers recently or newly struggling to make their mortgage payments because of the pandemic and for senior homeowners with Home Equity Conversion Mortgages who need assistance to remain in their homes.

Real Estate Investment Trusts Poised For Recovery

S&P Global Ratings, New York, said real estate investment trust earnings rebounded significantly in the second quarter, demonstrating the sector is on the right path for a solid comeback.

CFPB: Mortgage Servicers’ Pandemic Response Varies Significantly

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Tuesday published a report detailing 16 large mortgage servicers’ COVID-19 pandemic response. The report showed a disparate response in call metrics, exit metrics and other measures.