Voting for 2024 MBA Officers, New & Returning Directors Underway; Deadline Oct. 12

The voting period for the election of the Mortgage Bankers Association’s FY2024 officers and new and returning directors is underway. The voting ends at 5:00 p.m. E.T. on Thursday, October 12, 2023.
Eligible MBA member contacts should have received a separate email from vote@simplyvoting.com with voting instructions. If you did not receive the instructions or have questions, please contact Sarah Byrd at sbyrd@mba.org.
For Chairman:
Mark Jones
Union Home Mortgage
Kalamazoo, MI
For Chairman-Elect:
Laura Escobar
Lennar Mortgage
Miami, FL
For Vice-Chairman:
Christine Chandler
Executive Vice President, Chief Credit Officer and Chief Operating Officer
M&T Realty Capital Corporation
Baltimore, MD
Elected Directors:
Bill Banfield
Chief Risk Officer
Rocket Mortgage
Detroit, MI
Jay Bray
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Cooper
Dallas, TX
Kate DeKay
Chief Executive Officer
Eustis Mortgage Corporation
New Orleans, LA
Pat Dodd
President and CEO
Irvine, CA
David Gansberg
Chief Executive Officer, Global Mortgage
Arch Global Mortgage Group
Greensboro, NC
Jack Gay
Senior Managing Director, Global Head of Debt
Nuveen Real Estate
Charlotte, NC
Chris George
President and CEO
CMG Financial
San Ramon, CA
Peter Norden
Chief Executive Officer
HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc.
Iselin, NJ
Chrissi Rhea
Co-Founder and President
Mortgage Investors Group
Knoxville, TN
Jeff Taylor
Founder and Managing Director
Mphasis Digital Risk, LLC
Maitland, FL