MISMO Publishes New Engineering Guideline for Extending a Standard MISMO XML Schema

MISMO, the real estate finance industry’s standards organization, announced the publication of the new MISMO Engineering Guideline (MEG) for Extending a Standard MISMO XML Schema (MEG 0025).
“The MISMO MEGs ensure that work products adhere to all applicable technology standards, are produced in a consistent fashion, and meet the needs of the mortgage industry,” said David Coleman, MISMO President.
MEG 0025 provides guidance on how to extend the MISMO Version 3.x XML schema – providing an orderly way of enabling a message to hold additional data needed for mortgage processing that is not included in a specific MISMO XML schema version. The goals of the MISMO Extension Model are:
• Allow any container element to be extended (added on to);
• Identify and separate MISMO data and extended data;
• Allow extensions from multiple organizations to coexist in a single XML instance including within the same container;
• Allow simultaneous schema validation of MISMO and OTHER content, and
• Additional details are provided in the MEG for handling EXTENSION containers and attributes
MISMO, the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization, works to solve key business challenges. This is made possible by lender support of the MISMO Innovation Investment Fee.