MBA, State Regulators Ask CFPB to Withdraw Nonbank Registry Proposal
The Mortgage Bankers Association urged the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to withdraw a controversial proposal requiring covered nonbank financial institutions to register with and report to the Bureau when they become subject to certain public local, state, or federal consumer financial protection agency or court orders.
CFPB Releases Final Rule on Small Business Loan Reporting
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Thursday issued a final rule that would require some lenders to collect and report information about small business credit applications they receive, including geographic/demographic data, lending decisions and the price of credit.

#MBATech23: Executive Perspectives on Technology and Innovation
SAN JOSE, Calif.—In today’s competitive real estate finance environment, lenders and servicers need their technology teams and products to provide solutions—period.

#MBATech23: Managing AI with the ‘Father of IBM Watson’
SAN JOSE, Calif.—Manoj Saxena, Chairman of AI Global, London, is perhaps best known as the “Father of IBM Watson,” the ubiquitous face of artificial intelligence. Now, his goal is to manage technology—and use AI as the business model of the future.

National Council of State Housing Finance Agencies Announces Affordable Homeownership Lender Toolkit
The National Council of State Housing Finance Agencies, with support from the Mortgage Bankers Association and other industry trade groups, announced availability of the HFA1 Affordable Homeownership Lender Toolkit, a new online resource that will enable home mortgage lenders to partner more efficiently with state housing finance agencies in providing mortgage loans and down payment assistance to lower-income home buyers.

CoreLogic: Mortgage Delinquencies Fall for 22nd Straight Month
CoreLogic, Irvine, Calif., said 2.8% of all mortgages in the U.S. were in some stage of delinquency, down by 0.5 percentage point from 3.3% in January 2022 and by 0.2 percentage point from December.
Moody’s: CMBS Loss Severities Drop
Moody’s, New York, reported U.S. commercial mortgage-backed securities had the lowest loss amount last year since 2009, but noted loss severities remained elevated.