MBA: Strong Borrower Demand, Low Rates Fuel 2Q IMB Production Profits
Independent mortgage banks and mortgage subsidiaries of chartered banks reported a net gain of $4,548 on each loan they originated in the second quarter, up from $1,600 per loan in the first quarter, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Quarterly Mortgage Bankers Performance Report.

Black Knight: Refi Surge Spurs Record Quarterly Origination Volume
Black Knight, Jacksonville, said record-low mortgage rates triggered a surge in refinancing in the second quarter, leading to the largest quarterly origination volume dating back to 2000.
CMBS Delinquency Rate Falls from Near-Record High
The commercial mortgage-backed securities delinquency rate fell again in August after posting a big decline July.

Regrets? For Some Homeowners During Pandemic, a Few
A new survey from LendEDU, Hoboken, N.J., finds more than half of new homeowners regret taking out a mortgage during the coronavirus pandemic, with most of them citing a job layoff as the reason for their angst.