MISMO Seeks Comment on New API Toolkit

MISMO, the mortgage industry’s standards organization, released its new MISMO API (application programming interface) Toolkit yesterday for a 60-day member comment period.
MISMO will accept comments through December 31, 2020. The toolkit will help facilitate rapid development of new products and applications across the mortgage industry.
“This API Toolkit is an important step forward for MISMO and the industry as we lay the foundation for creating standards within an API environment,” said Christopher Stookey, Chair of the MISMO JSON Development Workgroup and Software Senior Engineer, Vice President, at Wells Fargo. “As we work towards a digital future for the mortgage industry and our customers, the resources in this toolkit help address the growing demand for fast, simple and secure mortgage transactions.”
The API Toolkit includes the following resources:
This activity builds upon MISMO’s first JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) initiative to develop standards for consumer transactions. JSON is a lightweight language for structuring data that is frequently used to exchange information through APIs and mobile platforms. With this expanded effort, MISMO hopes to create consistency within the growing number of transactions taking place in JSON format.
The API Toolkit was developed by MISMO’s JSON Development Workgroup, which will review, and consider for inclusion, the comments received. Refinements will be made prior to publishing the API Toolkit for implementation.
The member comment period is intended to afford workgroup participants who participated on the initiative notice prior to final release, in order to review the API Toolkit and disclose any applicable Patent Rights (as defined by MISMO’s 2018 Intellectual Property Rights Policy). Disclosures and comments should also be directed to info@mismo.org.
Release and use of MISMO standards and other resources are governed by the MISMO Intellectual Property Rights Policy. For more information on the policy, click here.
More information about the API Toolkit can be found here and questions about the toolkit can be sent to info@mismo.org. For more information about MISMO, visit www.mismo.org.