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REITs Bet Big on the Mortgage Market
Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2019--Ben Eisen (subscription)A once-sleepy corner of American housing finance is increasingly buying up mortgages, and it stands to grow further as the government's role in the market shrinks. (MBA Chief Economist Mike Fratantoni mention)
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CFPB’s Kraninger Digs in Over Halt to Military Lending Exams
National Mortgage News, May 27, 2019--Kate Berry (subscription)Kathy Kraninger, the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is in a standoff with Senate Democrats over the bureau's refusal to examine financial firms for compliance with the Military Lending Act.
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Freedom Mortgage to Acquire RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing
HousingWire, May 24, 2019--Jessica GuerinFreedom Mortgage and RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing are planning to merge, the companies announced Friday. The deal will make RoundPoint--which services and subservices about $91 million in mostly agency loans--a wholly owned subsidiary of Freedom, a full-service, nonbank mortgage lender and servicer.
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House Passes Waters’ Bill to Reverse Mulvaney’s CFPB Changes
National Mortgage Professional, May 23, 2019--Phil HallThe House voted along party lines 231 to 191 to approve the Consumers First Act, a bill authored by Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, designed to reverse structural changes made to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while Mick Mulvaney was the agency's Acting Director.
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Senate Finalizes Deal on Disaster Aid Package
Politico, May 23, 2019--Marianne Levine, Burgess EverettThe multi-billion dollar disaster aid bill, which will assist states devastated by wildfires, hurricanes and flooding, comes after months of roadblocks.
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Should Fannie, Freddie Be Labeled ‘Systemically Important?’
American Banker, May 23, 2019--Victoria Finkle (subscription)One of the bigger questions is whether the GSEs should be considered systemically important. Although this is a topic that has largely flown under the radar up to now, it may take on new significance under a Trump-guided Federal Housing Finance Agency.
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Government Watchdog Considering Ways to Reduce Federal Costs of Reverse Mortgage Program
HousingWire, May 23, 2019--Jessica GuerinThe Congressional Budget Office released a report Thursday exploring four proposed solutions for lessening the cost and risk of the reverse mortgage program to the federal government. Reverse mortgages are insured by the Federal Housing Administration.
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Four Indicted in GSE Multifamily Mortgage Fraud Scheme
National Mortgage News, May 23, 2019--Bonnie Sinnock (subscription)The 114-count superseding indictment alleges three people associated with real estate investor Morgan Management--CEO Robert Morgan, Project Manager Todd Morgan and Director of Finance Michael Tremiti--along with loan brokerage Aurora Capital Advisors' owner Frank Giacobbe all engaged in a conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud against Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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GSEs in Favor of Retaining CRT Strategies, G-Fee Parity Post Reform
National Mortgage News, May 22, 2019--Bonnie Sinnock (subscription)Government-sponsored enterprise executives appearing at the MBA National Secondary Mortgage Conference say they want to continue to offer credit risk transfers and guarantee-fee parity after the GSEs are released from conservatorship, but they might not be able to.
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Mortgage Refinance Booms are a Thing of the Past: MBA Chief Economist
National Mortgage News, May 21, 2019--Brad FinkelsteinThe era of plentiful refinance volume is over for the foreseeable future, the result of mortgage rates remaining in a very narrow band for the past decade, said Mortgage Bankers Association Chief Economist Mike Fratantoni.(free content)
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How Acting Ginnie Mae Chief is Trying to Get to the Bottom of VA Refis
National Mortgage News, May 21, 2019--Bonnie Sinnock (subscription)Soon after acting Ginnie Mae Acting President Maren Kasper took the helm of the agency in January, she and other officials decided to step up efforts to address the issue of faster prepayments for loans backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
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