MBA Disaster Recovery Guide Available

The Mortgage Bankers Association has developed both English- and Spanish-language versions of Disaster Recovery: A Resource for Homeowners, a consumer-facing informational guide.

This Spanish-language version, developed with the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, follows up on the English version of the Guide, developed by MBA this year. It is available for use by all MBA members, counseling groups, government agencies and organizations that offers assistance and advice to homeowners in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

The guide outlines homeowner disaster preparedness and steps to recovery, including who to communicate with about the mortgage; how to navigate the insurance process; and what forms of aid and disaster loans are generally available.

In a wide-scale appeal for homeowner disaster preparedness education, MBA encourages its member companies to offer the guide to their customers. MBA is also offering the disaster resource guide to the public with targeted outreach to state emergency management agencies and non-profit disaster relief organizations for distribution to borrowers. Organizations are invited to partner with MBA in the distribution process through co-branding, sponsorship of translations and reproduction of guides as they see fit.

To download a copy of either version of the resource guide, visit