Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae Announce Holiday Eviction Moratoria

Freddie Mac, McLean, Va., and Fannie Mae, Washington, D.C. yesterday announced nationwide suspension of eviction lock-outs between Dec. 17, 2018 and Jan. 2, 2019.

The moratorium applies to all foreclosed, occupied homes owned by the government-sponsored enterprises. It includes eviction lockouts on GSE real estate owned homes but do not affect other pre- or post-foreclosure activities.

The GSEs said servicers should continue to follow Fannie Mae’s guidelines for single-family mortgages related to homes and borrowers in disaster-affected areas.

“As we have done in past years, we are suspending evictions from Freddie Mac-owned homes to help provide families with a greater measure of certainty during the upcoming holiday season,” said Yvette Gilmore, Freddie Mac’s Vice President of Single-Family Servicer Performance Management.

“We believe it is important to extend the timeline of help for struggling borrowers during the holidays,” said Jacob Williamson, Vice President of Single-Family Real Estate at Fannie Mae. “We encourage homeowners who may be struggling with their mortgage or facing possible foreclosure to reach out to Fannie Mae or your servicer to get help. We want to help pursue those options whenever possible.”