MBA Education Essentials of Servicing Transfers Webinar Nov. 16
MBA Education presents a webinar, Essentials of Servicing Transfers, on Wednesday, Nov. 16 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.
MBA Education is pleased to continue the conversation on the importance of mortgage servicing rights and servicing transfers. Whether you are involved in purchasing or selling MSRs, transfer of details is now a highly regulated and critically audited process. No longer is the process limited to a strategic decision to acquire or sell the assets, a proper due diligence and setting up a mutually approved transfer date.
In August 2014, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a compliance bulletin providing policy guidance to residential mortgage servicers and sub-servicers, in light of potential risks to consumers that may arise in connection with transfers of residential MSRs. The CFPB’s concern in this area remains heightened due to continued high volume of servicing transfers. Servicers engaged in significant servicing transfers should expect that the CFPB will, in appropriate cases, require them to prepare and submit informational plans describing how they will be managing the related risks to consumers.
Webinar Objectives
–Understand and examine the General Transfer Related Policies and Procedures required by the CFPB
–Examine how the New Servicing Rules and revised Regulation X apply in the area of servicing transfers: especially the Truth in Lending Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act and prohibitions on unfair, deceptive or abusive acts or practices
–Explore how other federal financial laws are applicable to servicing transfers and the consequences of non-compliance
–Develop plans for handling servicing transfers and manage risk both to consumers and to selling and acquiring companies
–Determine where to access needed forms that support communication with investors, consumers and business partners
Who Should Attend
–Servicing Managers
–Individuals who interact with sub-servicers
–Due Diligence personnel
–Acquisition or transfer teams
–QC & Audit personnel
–Patricia Taylor, Managing Director, New Directions Consulting Services
To register and for more information, click https://store.mortgagebankers.org/ProductDetail.aspx?product_code=E2171716X/REGIS.