Servicing Quote of the Week

“At MBA, we envision a new era in our relationship with Fannie and Freddie. We welcome the strengthening of our partnership. Lenders of all types and sizes and servicing firms can and should be partners with the GSEs to sustain a housing finance system that is stable, liquid, enables homeownership and the creation of generational wealth.”
–MBA President and CEO Bob Broeksmit, CMB, discussing talk around ending the GSEs’ conservatorship at the Independent Mortgage Bankers conference

Broeksmit: Big Challenges, Big Opportunities

AUSTIN–The last few years have seen big challenges for mortgage bankers: COVID, market disruptions, inflation, and high interest rates to name a few. But there are many opportunities for mortgage bankers to be part of something that will benefit our industry and our customers, according to MBA President and CEO Bob Broeksmit, CMB.

ATTOM: Home Equity Steady in Q4

ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., released its Q4 2024 U.S. Home Equity and Underwater Report, showing that 47.7% of mortgaged residential properties could be deemed equity-rich in the quarter.

Servicing Quote of the Week

“The overall mortgage forbearance rate decreased slightly in December as some borrowers got back on track following last fall’s severe weather in the Southeast.”
–Marina Walsh, CMB, MBA’s Vice President of Industry Analysis.