Agency MBS Issuance Increases in April; Refis Down

Inside Mortgage Finance, May 8, 2024–John BancroftGinnie Mae, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae printed $85.14 billion of new single-family mortgage-backed securities in April, a 9.6% gain from March, according to …

Agency MBS Issuance Increases in April; Refis Down

Inside Mortgage Finance, May 8, 2024–John BancroftGinnie Mae, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae printed $85.14 billion of new single-family mortgage-backed securities in April, a 9.6% gain from March, according to …

How Rich Homebuyers are Avoiding High Mortgage Rates

Yahoo Finance, May 13, 2024–Janna HerronThe all-cash deal is back in vogue for homebuyers, a shift that favors the wealthy. Luxury housing markets in New York and Florida are boasting …

Foreclosures Leave Long-Term Scars on Homeownership Rates

MPA, May 13, 2024-Candyd MendozaA new study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reveals the lasting financial consequences of foreclosure for millions of Americans.Click here for more

Why Second Mortgages Could Make a Comeback

Axios, May 13, 2024-Felix SalmonFreddie Mac has a new revenue stream in its sights, thanks to the record $17 trillion of home equity sitting untapped in U.S. houses.Click here for more