John B. Johnson passed away last week at 84. He was a long-time leader in the industry and co-founder and CEO of MortgageAmerica Inc. from 1978 to 2012.
Tag: William Kooper

CFPB Proposes New PACE Financing Rules
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Monday proposed a rule to implement a congressional mandate to establish consumer protections for residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans.

CFPB Proposes New PACE Financing Rules
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Monday proposed a rule to implement a congressional mandate to establish consumer protections for residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans.

CSBS Releases Nonbank Cybersecurity Exam Procedures
The Conference of State Bank Supervisors on Tuesday released two new tools for nonbank financial services companies to improve their cybersecurity posture.

CSBS Releases Nonbank Cybersecurity Exam Procedures
The Conference of State Bank Supervisors on Tuesday released two new tools for nonbank financial services companies to improve their cybersecurity posture.

MBA Launches Licensing Flexibility Campaign with State Partners
The Mortgage Bankers Association recently launched a new campaign with its state and local association partners aimed at updating state law and rules to provide mortgage loan originators and their state licensed employers greater flexibility for remote location work arrangements during—and especially beyond—the coronavirus pandemic.

MBA Launches Licensing Flexibility Campaign with State Partners
The Mortgage Bankers Association recently launched a new campaign with its state and local association partners aimed at updating state law and rules to provide mortgage loan originators and their state licensed employers greater flexibility for remote location work arrangements during—and especially beyond—the coronavirus pandemic.

MBA Launches Licensing Flexibility Campaign with State Partners
The Mortgage Bankers Association recently launched a new campaign with its state and local association partners aimed at updating state law and rules to provide mortgage loan originators and their state licensed employers greater flexibility for remote location work arrangements during—and especially beyond—the coronavirus pandemic.

MBA Launches Licensing Flexibility Campaign with State Partners
The Mortgage Bankers Association recently launched a new campaign with its state and local association partners aimed at updating state law and rules to provide mortgage loan originators and their state licensed employers greater flexibility for remote location work arrangements during—and especially beyond—the coronavirus pandemic.

MBA Launches Licensing Flexibility Campaign with State Partners
The Mortgage Bankers Association recently launched a new campaign with its state and local association partners aimed at updating state law and rules to provide mortgage loan originators and their state licensed employers greater flexibility for remote location work arrangements during—and especially beyond—the coronavirus pandemic.