Necessity is the mother of all invention, so the saying goes. No, not exactly true here. RON was already being deployed in pockets across the industry pre-coronavirus. Therefore, its more appropriate to proclaim, “perplexing problems produce instant popularity where past procrastination persisted.” Said more plainly – nothing is more white-hot than RON right now, and everyone suddenly cannot live without it. Demand far-outstrips supply by a factor too large to contemplate.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views with Scott Roller
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. The theme for today’s article is impeachment.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views with Scott Roller
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. The theme for today’s article is impeachment.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views with Scott Roller
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. The theme for today’s article is impeachment.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views—End-of-Year Edition–Scott Roller
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. Today we focus on a subset of vendors whereby each have an intriguing model adding value to clients – and substantially serving borrowers too. Technology is blurring the lines, enabling innovation and expansion of traditional business boundaries.