Cute and customized face masks are wildly popular these days, launching a whole new industry. Closer to home, in our industry, popularity of vendors providing for Remote Online Notarization is surging. Thanks to the pandemic, RON vendors were rather unmasked, going from gaining marginal traction to epic growth – overnight. MISMO is leading the way, with a sharp machete clearing the path through the state level regulatory and compliance jungle.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views with Scott Roller–July 17, 2020
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. Today we highlight three very unique tech vendors that help in attracting and retaining borrowers, while improving your customer care model via a variety of newer entrants in our service provider market.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views with Scott Roller–July 2020
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. Today we highlight three very unique tech vendors that help in attracting and retaining borrowers, while improving your customer care model via a variety of newer entrants in our service provider market.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views with Scott Roller
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. Today we highlight three very unique tech vendors that help in attracting and retaining borrowers, while improving your customer care model via a variety of newer entrants in our service provider market.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views with Scott Roller
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. Today we highlight three very unique tech vendors that help in attracting and retaining borrowers, while improving your customer care model via a variety of newer entrants in our service provider market.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views With Scott Roller
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. The theme for today’s article is a unique set of circumstances that is enlisting homeowners to be an active participant within the appraisal process during the pandemic – and likely into the future.

Mortgage Vendor News & Views With Scott Roller
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. The theme for today’s article is a unique set of circumstances that is enlisting homeowners to be an active participant within the appraisal process during the pandemic – and likely into the future.

Scott Roller: Remote Online Notarization – Navigating the Icebergs
Necessity is the mother of all invention, so the saying goes. No, not exactly true here. RON was already being deployed in pockets across the industry pre-coronavirus. Therefore, its more appropriate to proclaim, “perplexing problems produce instant popularity where past procrastination persisted.” Said more plainly – nothing is more white-hot than RON right now, and everyone suddenly cannot live without it. Demand far-outstrips supply by a factor too large to contemplate.

Scott Roller: Remote Online Notarization – Navigating the Icebergs
Necessity is the mother of all invention, so the saying goes. No, not exactly true here. RON was already being deployed in pockets across the industry pre-coronavirus. Therefore, its more appropriate to proclaim, “perplexing problems produce instant popularity where past procrastination persisted.” Said more plainly – nothing is more white-hot than RON right now, and everyone suddenly cannot live without it. Demand far-outstrips supply by a factor too large to contemplate.

Scott Roller: Remote Online Notarization – Navigating the Icebergs
Necessity is the mother of all invention, so the saying goes. No, not exactly true here. RON was already being deployed in pockets across the industry pre-coronavirus. Therefore, its more appropriate to proclaim, “perplexing problems produce instant popularity where past procrastination persisted.” Said more plainly – nothing is more white-hot than RON right now, and everyone suddenly cannot live without it. Demand far-outstrips supply by a factor too large to contemplate.