In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. Today we delve into the bevy of activity surrounding vendor mergers and acquisitions.

Scott Roller: Mortgage Vendor News & Views, December 2021
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. Today we delve into the bevy of activity surrounding vendor mergers and acquisitions.

Scott Roller: Mortgage Vendor News & Views, December 2021
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. Today we delve into the bevy of activity surrounding vendor mergers and acquisitions.

Scott Roller: Rising Construction Costs – The Appraisal Dilemma
The domino effect – an endless run of falling dominos winding through the residential home construction industry. That’s a vision we can easily conjure up when witnessing the ongoing impacts of steadily rising construction costs. And guess who is at the end of the domino chain, having to deal with the residual mess? Residential home appraisers and their lender clients.

Scott Roller: Rising Construction Costs – The Appraisal Dilemma
The domino effect – an endless run of falling dominos winding through the residential home construction industry. That’s a vision we can easily conjure up when witnessing the ongoing impacts of steadily rising construction costs. And guess who is at the end of the domino chain, having to deal with the residual mess? Residential home appraisers and their lender clients.

Scott Roller: Rising Construction Costs – The Appraisal Dilemma
The domino effect – an endless run of falling dominos winding through the residential home construction industry. That’s a vision we can easily conjure up when witnessing the ongoing impacts of steadily rising construction costs. And guess who is at the end of the domino chain, having to deal with the residual mess? Residential home appraisers and their lender clients.

Scott Roller: Rising Construction Costs – The Appraisal Dilemma
The domino effect – an endless run of falling dominos winding through the residential home construction industry. That’s a vision we can easily conjure up when witnessing the ongoing impacts of steadily rising construction costs. And guess who is at the end of the domino chain, having to deal with the residual mess? Residential home appraisers and their lender clients.

Scott Roller: Rising Construction Costs – The Appraisal Dilemma
The domino effect – an endless run of falling dominos winding through the residential home construction industry. That’s a vision we can easily conjure up when witnessing the ongoing impacts of steadily rising construction costs. And guess who is at the end of the domino chain, having to deal with the residual mess? Residential home appraisers and their lender clients.

Scott Roller: The Ebb and Flow of MSAs in Mortgage
Marketing Services Agreements somewhat remind me of when I’m in a long and slow traffic jam on the interstate, with everyone slowing down to decipher the mystery of what happened and see the first responders doing their thing… unsure of what I might see – tragedy or trivial.

Scott Roller: The Ebb and Flow of MSAs in Mortgage
Marketing Services Agreements somewhat remind me of when I’m in a long and slow traffic jam on the interstate, with everyone slowing down to decipher the mystery of what happened and see the first responders doing their thing… unsure of what I might see – tragedy or trivial.