Here’s a summary of recent housing reports that have come across the MBA NewsLink desk:
Tag: VantageScore Solutions LLC

Industry Briefs Dec. 8, 2021: Agencies Announce Dollar Thresholds for Exempt Consumer Credit/Lease Transactions
The Federal Reserve Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced the dollar thresholds used to determine whether certain consumer credit and lease transactions in 2022 are exempt from Regulation Z (Truth in Lending) and Regulation M (Consumer Leasing).

RMQA21: Pandemic Saw Changes in Consumer Behavior—Most of it Good
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The economy continued to improve in 2021, fueled by record consumer savings and strong gains in employment, despite the coronavirus pandemic that could have otherwise ground it to a halt, said Emre Sahingur, Senior Vice President of Predictive Analytics with VantageScore Solutions LLC, Stamford, Conn.

RMQA21: Pandemic Saw Changes in Consumer Behavior—Most of it Good
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The economy continued to improve in 2021, fueled by record consumer savings and strong gains in employment, despite the coronavirus pandemic that could have otherwise ground it to a halt, said Emre Sahingur, Senior Vice President of Predictive Analytics with VantageScore Solutions LLC, Stamford, Conn.