Back in 2015, Tesla CEO Elon Musk famously promised that self-driving cars would be a common sight on American roadways within the next three years. He wasn’t alone—Nissan and other automakers thought fully autonomous vehicles would arrive by 2020.
Tag: Self-Employed Households

Roby Robertson of LoanLogics: Ignoring Income Defects Could Spell Disaster
Back in 2015, Tesla CEO Elon Musk famously promised that self-driving cars would be a common sight on American roadways within the next three years. He wasn’t alone—Nissan and other automakers thought fully autonomous vehicles would arrive by 2020.

Parkes Dibble: Working with Self-Employed and Underserved
Today, mortgage lenders are almost as likely to meet a potential homebuyer who is self-employed, or part of the gig economy. According to a study from the Freelancers Union Freelancing in America: 2019, 57 million Americans—or 35 percent of the US workforce-are self-employed.

MBA Letter Supports Self-Employed Mortgage Access Legislation
Ahead of an anticipated vote this week in the House Financial Services Committee, the Mortgage Bankers Association yesterday sent a letter of support for legislation that would help ensure fair access to mortgage credit for households with “non-traditional” forms of income.