MBA NewsLink 2023 Tech All-Star: Rob Chrane of Down Payment Resource

Qualifying buyers is getting tough these days, with many struggling to save for a down payment—not to mention having cash reserves on hand. It’s a topic heard around water coolers and over cocktails – those so-called “barbershop (or beauty shop) settings,” where people hang up for a while and catch up on neighborhood news. And that’s right where Rob Chrane, founder and CEO of Down Payment Resource, and an MBA NewsLink 2023 Tech All-Star Award recipient, wants down payment assistance to be talked about.

MBA NewsLink 2023 Tech All-Star: Rob Chrane of Down Payment Resource

Qualifying buyers is getting tough these days, with many struggling to save for a down payment—not to mention having cash reserves on hand. It’s a topic heard around water coolers and over cocktails – those so-called “barbershop (or beauty shop) settings,” where people hang up for a while and catch up on neighborhood news. And that’s right where Rob Chrane, founder and CEO of Down Payment Resource, and an MBA NewsLink 2023 Tech All-Star Award recipient, wants down payment assistance to be talked about.