Lenders should consider examining existing or new service providers for critical services (title, appraisal or other elements of the mortgage process that would be difficult to produce in-house, but without which, a purchase mortgage transaction simply cannot take place) much as they would their own, internal cost centers.
Tag: Res/Title
Regina Braga of Res/Title: Margin Compression Doesn’t Have to Be Inevitable in a Competitive Market
Lenders should consider examining existing or new service providers for critical services (title, appraisal or other elements of the mortgage process that would be difficult to produce in-house, but without which, a purchase mortgage transaction simply cannot take place) much as they would their own, internal cost centers.
Regina Braga of Res/Title: Margin Compression Doesn’t Have to Be Inevitable in a Competitive Market
Lenders should consider examining existing or new service providers for critical services (title, appraisal or other elements of the mortgage process that would be difficult to produce in-house, but without which, a purchase mortgage transaction simply cannot take place) much as they would their own, internal cost centers.
Regina Braga of Res/Title: Margin Compression Doesn’t Have to Be Inevitable in a Competitive Market
Lenders should consider examining existing or new service providers for critical services (title, appraisal or other elements of the mortgage process that would be difficult to produce in-house, but without which, a purchase mortgage transaction simply cannot take place) much as they would their own, internal cost centers.
Regina Braga of Res/Title: Margin Compression Doesn’t Have to Be Inevitable in a Competitive Market
Lenders should consider examining existing or new service providers for critical services (title, appraisal or other elements of the mortgage process that would be difficult to produce in-house, but without which, a purchase mortgage transaction simply cannot take place) much as they would their own, internal cost centers.