Typical Buyer’s Monthly Payment Up Nearly 40%

Redfin, Seattle, reported the typical homebuyer’s monthly mortgage payment shot up 39%, the largest year-over-year gain on record, as the average 30-year-fixed rate hovered at 5.1%.

Housing Market Roundup Apr. 26, 2022

Here is a summary of recent stories of interest to the real estate finance community that have come across the MBA Newslink desk:

Industry Briefs Apr. 18, 2022: Wells Fargo Expands Efforts to Advance Racial Equity in Homeownership

Wells Fargo, San Francisco, announced an initiative to help advance racial equity in homeownership. The company will develop a Special Purpose Credit Program to help minority homeowners, whose mortgages are currently serviced by Wells Fargo, refinance those mortgages. Initially, through the program, Wells Fargo will identify eligible Black homeowners who could benefit from a refinance product.

Record Share of Homebuyers Relocating

Redfin, Seattle, reported a record 32.3% of Redfin.com users nationwide looked to move to a different metro area in the first quarter, up from 31.5% a year earlier and up significantly from 26% in 2019, before the pandemic.