MBA Advocacy Update

Given the recent coronavirus pandemic, MBA has been working diligently to create resources and materials to help our members and their customers. The first item below details these efforts. Additionally, there are several other unrelated key updates we wanted to highlight in this week’s communication.

MBA Advocacy Update

Given the recent coronavirus pandemic, MBA has been working diligently to create resources and materials to help our members and their customers. The first item below details these efforts. Additionally, there are several other unrelated key updates we wanted to highlight in this week’s communication.

MBA Advocacy Update

This past Monday, the House passed two MBA-supported affordable housing proposals that now head to the Senate for consideration. On Friday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced several important initiatives designed to prevent consumer harm.

MBA Advocacy Update

This past Monday, the House passed two MBA-supported affordable housing proposals that now head to the Senate for consideration. On Friday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced several important initiatives designed to prevent consumer harm.

MBA Advocacy Update

On Monday, FHFA published an RFI initiating a review of its regulations governing FHLB membership. In addition, HUD announced at MBA’s Servicing Solutions Conference significant changes to FHA’s Claims Without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) program that have been a long-standing MBA priority.

MBA Advocacy Update

On Monday, FHFA published an RFI initiating a review of its regulations governing FHLB membership. In addition, HUD announced at MBA’s Servicing Solutions Conference significant changes to FHA’s Claims Without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) program that have been a long-standing MBA priority.

MBA Advocacy Update

President Trump announced he will nominate Dana Wade to replace Brian Montgomery as FHA Commissioner. At the same time, MBA submitted a letter to Senate leadership in support of Montgomery’s nomination to be the next Deputy Secretary of HUD.

MBA Advocacy Update

President Trump announced he will nominate Dana Wade to replace Brian Montgomery as FHA Commissioner. At the same time, MBA submitted a letter to Senate leadership in support of Montgomery’s nomination to be the next Deputy Secretary of HUD.

MBA Advocacy Update

Last week, the Trump administration released its annual budget proposal for fiscal year 2021. In addition, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae announced a new certification requirement associated with submission of the Quarterly Mortgage Bankers’ Financial Reporting Form; and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testified before the House Financial Services and Senate Banking Committees on current monetary policy and the state of the economy.

MBA Advocacy Update

Last week, the Trump administration released its annual budget proposal for fiscal year 2021. In addition, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae announced a new certification requirement associated with submission of the Quarterly Mortgage Bankers’ Financial Reporting Form; and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testified before the House Financial Services and Senate Banking Committees on current monetary policy and the state of the economy.