Groundswell of Support Builds for Federal Liquidity Facility

Last week, the Mortgage Bankers Association made headlines—not just in MBA NewsLink but across the news spectrum—when it reacted strongly to Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mark Calabria’s indifference to the need for a federally based liquidity facility for mortgage servicers resulting from economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

Groundswell of Support Builds for Federal Liquidity Facility

Last week, the Mortgage Bankers Association made headlines—not just in MBA NewsLink but across the news spectrum—when it reacted strongly to Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mark Calabria’s indifference to the need for a federally based liquidity facility for mortgage servicers resulting from economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. Now, momentum in Washington is building.

MBA Advocacy Update

MBA President and CEO Bob Broeksmit, CMB, issued a statement responding to FHFA Director Mark Calabria’s comments dismissing the need at this time for a federally backed liquidity facility to assist mortgage servicers during the COVID-19 pandemic. MBA continues to advocate for the industry to help MBA members address the financing needs of their customers during the ongoing pandemic, and we will provide updates as they become available.

Ginnie Mae Implements Broad-Based Servicer Liquidity Facility; Initial Deadline Today

Late Friday, Ginnie Mae issued All Participants Memorandum 20-03 (APM 20-03), which expands its Issuer assistance programs to current circumstances stemming from the coronavirus pandemic. The APM introduces a new version of its existing Pass-Through Assistance Program for use by issuers facing a temporary liquidity shortfall directly attributable to the COVID-19 National Emergency.

MBA Advocacy Update

On Tuesday, MBA President and CEO Bob Broeksmit, CMB, issued a statement responding to FHFA Director Mark Calabria’s comments dismissing the need at this time for a federally backed liquidity facility to assist mortgage servicers during the COVID-19 pandemic. MBA continues to advocate for the industry to help MBA members address the financing needs of their customers during the ongoing pandemic, and we will provide updates as they become available.

MBA Advocacy Update

In this week’s communication, you will find several updates pertaining to MBA’s efforts regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and other industry activities. For additional updates related to COVID-19, please visit MBA’s residential community page for helpful resources and other policy developments.

MBA Advocacy Update

In this week’s communication, you will find several updates pertaining to MBA’s efforts regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and other industry activities. For additional updates related to COVID-19, please visit MBA’s residential community page for helpful resources and other policy developments.

MBA Advocacy Update

MBA remains active on efforts regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In this week’s communication, you will find several updates pertaining to industry efforts to provide relief to both our members and their customers.

MBA Advocacy Update

MBA remains active on efforts regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In this week’s communication, you will find several updates pertaining to industry efforts to provide relief to both our members and their customers.

MBA Advocacy Update

MBA continues to monitor the potential spread and impact of the coronavirus. In this week’s communication, you will find several updates pertaining to industry efforts to provide relief to both our members and their customers. Also in this week’s communication, you will find several critical updates related to other industry activities.