ICE Mortgage Technology, Pleasanton, Calif., reported new home purchases represented a higher percentage than refinances for the first time in nearly two years.
Tag: Origination Insight Report

ICE: Time to Close Falls 4th Straight Month
ICE Mortgage Technology, Pleasanton, Calif., issued its Origination Insight Report for April, showing average time to close on all loans fell for the fourth consecutive month to 51 days.

ICE: 1Q Sees Significant Reduction in Time to Close
ICE Mortgage Technology, Pleasanton, Calif., said time to close all loans decreased over the first quarter, from 58 days in January to 52 days in March.

Housing Report Roundup
Welcome to the Friday Housing Report Roundup. Click on the link to see what’s happening.

Housing Finance Roundup: Purchase Market Strength; Millennial Buying Power; COVID-19 Effect on Homeownership Plans; Bidding Wars Intensify; Home Price Growth Persists
Here is the latest Housing Finance Roundup, with summaries of reports from Ellie Mae; First American Financial Corp.;; Zillow; and Redfin.

Ellie Mae: Refi Market Steady as Interest Rates Continue to Drop
Interest rates hit record lows last week—but they were already low in May, said Ellie Mae, Pleasanton, Calif., resulting in steady refinancing volume.

Ellie Mae: Refis Grow as Interest Rates Continue to Drop
Ellie Mae, Pleasanton, Calif., said as interest rates continued to decline in March to the lowest percentage since January 2013, it drove up the percentage of refinances.

Ellie Mae: Refis, Closing Rates Up
Mortgage interest rates are low—you know that; refinancings have been going through the roof—and if you’ve been following the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Weekly Applications Survey or the activity in your office, you know that, too. But Ellie Mae, Pleasanton, Calif., has another stat you might be interested in: closing times, which have also dramatically improved.

Ellie Mae: January Refis Hold Steady; Closing Rates Increase
A slight drop in interest rates in January stabilized refinance activity and improved closing rates, said Ellie Mae, Pleasanton, Calif.

Ellie Mae: Interest Rate Rise Sparks Jump in Purchase Originations
The company’s monthly Origination Insight Report said purchase loans accounted for 54 percent of total closed loans in December, up from 51 percent in November and the 2019 low of 49 percent in September.