Optimal Blue: Refinance Activity Surges in January

Optimal Blue, Plano, Texas, reported that refinance activity jumped year-over-year in January, by 20.1% for cash-out refinance lock volume and 21.7% for rate/term refinance.

Optimal Blue: November Mortgage Lock Volume Down 25%

Optimal Blue, Plano, Texas, released its Market Advantage report, finding that overall rate lock volume fell 25% from the previous month, but was up 12% year-over-year.

People in the News, Nov. 19, 2024

Industry personnel news from Dark Matter Technologies, Optimal Blue, MAXEX, MBA, Fannie Mae, FHFA, Certainty Home Lending and Provident Bank.

Industry Briefs, Nov. 12, 2024

Industry news from Optimal Blue, Guild Mortgage, eHome America, Click n’ Close, NotaryCam, CampusDoor, LoanSense, RanLife and Dark Matter Technologies.