Appraisal bias, or when an appraiser considers illegal factors such as the race of the homeowner or the racial makeup of a neighborhood when determining the fair market value of a property, doesn’t sound like a problem that should occur in 2022, but it regularly does.
Tag: Ncontracts
Michael Berman of Ncontracts: What Is Appraisal Bias and How Can My Mortgage Company Avoid It?
Appraisal bias, or when an appraiser considers illegal factors such as the race of the homeowner or the racial makeup of a neighborhood when determining the fair market value of a property, doesn’t sound like a problem that should occur in 2022, but it regularly does.
8 Common Fair Lending Compliance Myths Debunked
Michael Berman is Founder & CEO of Ncontracts, Brentwood, Tenn. Ncontracts provides integrated risk management and lending compliance software to a rapidly expanding customer base of over 4,000 financial institutions, fintechs and mortgage companies in the United States.
8 Common Fair Lending Compliance Myths Debunked
Michael Berman is Founder & CEO of Ncontracts, Brentwood, Tenn. Ncontracts provides integrated risk management and lending compliance software to a rapidly expanding customer base of over 4,000 financial institutions, fintechs and mortgage companies in the United States.
Kimberly Boatwright of Ncontracts: 4 Key Stages of Annual HMDA Data Lifecycle
During this time of the year, one area of compliance stands out as a focal point: HMDA.
Kimberly Boatwright of Ncontracts: 4 Key Stages of Annual HMDA Data Lifecycle
During this time of the year, one area of compliance stands out as a focal point: HMDA.
Kimberly Boatwright of Ncontracts: 4 Key Stages of Annual HMDA Data Lifecycle
During this time of the year, one area of compliance stands out as a focal point: HMDA.
Kimberly Boatwright of Ncontracts: 4 Key Stages of Annual HMDA Data Lifecycle
During this time of the year, one area of compliance stands out as a focal point: HMDA.
Kimberly Boatwright of Ncontracts: 4 Key Stages of Annual HMDA Data Lifecycle
During this time of the year, one area of compliance stands out as a focal point: HMDA.
Industry Briefs Nov. 23, 2021: Fitch Says Banks Relatively Unscathed by Pandemic
Fitch Rating, New York, said global financial institutions’ credit ratings have been affected less severely by the pandemic than by the two previous crises this century.