MBA MAA ‘Call to Action’ on GSE ‘G-Fees’

The Mortgage Bankers Association’s grassroots advocacy arm, the Mortgage Action Alliance, issued a ‘Call to Action’ on Monday to its 70,000-plus members urging them to tell their elected officials to not use government-sponsored enterprise guaranty fees (g-fees) as a source of funding offsets.

Matt Hansen: Get Your Back Up Off the Wall: Support MBA RON Advocacy Efforts

To extend Remote Online Notarization legislation nationwide, lenders are going to have to get their “back up off the wall” and join MBA efforts to press rulemakers for laws that enable homebuyers and the real estate finance industry to benefit from modern business practices that so many other industries already enjoy.

MAA Action Week Now ‘Month of MAA’

The Mortgage Action Alliance, the Mortgage Bankers Association’s free grassroots advocacy network, extended its fifth annual Action Week to the end of the month, through May, following a successful campaign that has seen its membership nearly double since February.