MBA Affordable Housing Initiative Launches Newsletter, Online Affordable Housing Communities and Affordable Housing Insights Webinar/Interview Series

The Mortgage Bankers Association’s Affordable Housing Initiative has expanded opportunities for members to stay engaged in affordable multifamily and homeownership efforts by launching an Affordable Housing Newsletter, online affordable housing communities and an Affordable Housing Insights webinar and interview series.

Urban Institute: How Housing Counselors Are Navigating Challenges

The Urban Institute, Washington, D.C., released research on the experiences of HUD-certified housing counselors who mobilized to serve renting families during the pandemic and their reflections on the evolving needs of renters post-pandemic.

MBA Announces 2022 Affordable Rental Housing Advisory Council

The Mortgage Bankers Association announced members of its 2022 Affordable Rental Housing Advisory Council. The Advisory Councils on affordable rental housing and affordable homeownership were formed in 2019 to provide important strategic and practical guidance to MBA’s CONVERGENCE Initiative, the association’s affordable housing effort.