Initial Claims Fall to Lowest Level Since March

Initial claims for unemployment insurance fell to their lowest level since March, the Labor Department reported yesterday, but remain elevated from pre-pandemic levels.

Jobless Claims ‘Back on Track,’ Remain Elevated

After several weeks of increased numbers, initial claims for unemployment insurance fell significantly last week, suggesting a bit of stabilization for an extremely volatile economic metric.

Initial Jobless Claims Remain Stubbornly High

Initial claims for unemployment insurance fell slightly last week, the Labor Department reported yesterday, but only after an upward revision from the previous week’s numbers.

Initial Claims Persist at Disconcerting Rate

Initial claims for unemployment insurance ticked back up last week, the Labor Department reported yesterday—another indicator of just how persistent economic conditions have been since the coronavirus hit this past winter and spring.

Unemployment Claims Fall Back Under 1 Million—With an Asterisk

Initial claims for unemployment fell under one million last week for just the second time since March, but the change largely reflected a change in methodology by the Labor Department and remain elevated by historical standards.

ADP: August Employment Up by 428,000

Ahead of this morning’s unemployment insurance claims report from the Labor Department and Friday’s employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, ADP, Roseland, N.J., said private-sector employment increased by 428,000 jobs in August.